American stereotypes

Белявская Вероника 

Смоляк Владислав

                                            Гаран Алина, Павлюкевич Карина, Субботина Ксения

Помахо Настя

Субботина Ксения

Щепук Камилл

 Радевич Анастасия

7 комментариев:

  1. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  2. kAMill:I am really surprised by that perfectly done stereotypes!!!)so you can fastly find main information, and from this
    illustration i knew a bit, for example that american nation like workout and smoke marijuana))but there is a big minus - i havn't seen there any information 'bout crime and violence in America...i know, i know that everybody can make mistake, but i hope that the next list of stereotypes will be full of everything. So i just wanna say only one word - Godlike)))<3

  3. Americans are extremely indepented,individualistic and like to be different from each other.They like personal space around them.Most Americans are impatient yet disciplined.They wait in line without pushing other people or trying to jump ahead.Also,Americans are friendly,hospitable and helpful people!)

  4. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  5. These lists of stereotypes are very informative. From here you can knew a lot of new information for yourself. I knew that there are a lot of people who smoke in America and at the same time they love sports.Also Americans are very friendly and always ready to help.

  6. Americans like to think of themselves as "diverse" and "multi-cultural". They don't want to be a "type" at all. Also they like personal space around them. They value their privacy a lot. Most Americans are impatient yet disciplined. They are friendly, hospitable and helpful people. The majority of Americans are fans of various sports. Also Americans are great pet lovers.

  7. There are some facts about stereotypes of Americans. They like to think of themselves as "diverse" and "multi-cultural", as a "melting pot" of immigrants and nationalities. Americans like personal space around them. They are friendly, hospitable and helpful people. The majority of Americans are fans of various sports. They think that they eat a quiet healthy food. Americans are pet lovers and they spend their money on pets.
